This is your standard TV Yellow as seen through the years. To Keep it simple for customers it will be filled for you in an opaque version unless requested otherwise. The sample is of the traditional version which is trans but almost opaque (the colour is the same). You can ask us to make you any TV yellow you'd like from year to year. They're all different.
This colour was originally an "off white" yellow for Television reasons and yellowed as time went on.
We need pictures and an up charge will be required for customization and attention to detail. We can also guide you on how to properly age your top coats to get results you're after.
The other T.V. Yellows that are offered elsewhere are more of a bright clown car yellow. This colour is traditional and not canary or mustard yellow. We can mix whatever TV yellow you're after but you must reach out to us. Otherwise you'll be sent a stock TV Yellow (Opaque).
You will need two cans for best coverage of a body and neck. If you're going for the traditional finish of translucency it is not an easy finish to nail. Especially with aerosol cans. So take caution.
If you're using your own spray equipment you should have no issue dialling in your finish.
For an opaque finish it is best applied over a white base primer. and clear coated. 4-6 clear coat cans can be needed for Gibson finishes depending on your experience.
Apply your primer over a filled, sealed and flat base for opaque TV.
*If you're after the version that's translucent and can visibly see the dark grain please reach out to us for instructions, if your already comfortable finishing yourself ask for Translucent TV in the notes at checkout.