Contact Us & Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get Custom Colours?
Yes, it's what we do. Please see our custom order page for pricing specific to you.
Do you Ship to The USA?
I'm New to Finishing. Where do I start?
You can start with our (aerosol) standard finishing kit. It contains all of the products you need for finishing your guitar body from start to finish. If you're also doing a neck you can add a can of neck tint and a clear coat to finish it as well. Follow our instructions via this website and ask any questions you need.
Be cautious with the millions of Youtube channels that offer "expert" finishing advice. There is more bad information out there than good and it can get confusing. Most people don't understand the properties of a Thermoplastic solvent based (Nitrocellulose) finish. This can lead to the many myths out there. Ex. Letting your finish cure for 2 months and so on. Could you imagine if Fender and Gibson had to wait 1-2 months before cutting and polishing? They would go bankrupt. As always reach out to us with any questions.
Do You Ever Have Retail Sales?
We are not a retail store. We are a custom shop that offers many different ways for people to get what they would like out of their build. Everything is done custom when ordered. It has your name on it and is specifically for you. It isn't sitting on a shelf waiting to be sold. Retail stores have retail sales to get rid of old inventory. We are different in that we don't have old inventory. Fresh mixed lacquers, and custom made parts are what make us different from everybody else. We do however offer discounts for loyal customers and builders who share their experiences and builds with us. We know that everyone has a budget, but custom work isn't something you'll ever find at a retail clearance price.