We've simplified our custom order bodies for easy ordering. Body materials feature, Swamp Ash or Alder. You must choose a colour as well as an aged finish and list them as follows in the notes at checkout.
(Faded Fiesta Red, GL Lite),
(Sonic Blue, GL Lush)
(Aged Shell Pink, GL Journeymen Plus)
Any pick up alterations will be a 30 dollar charge.
We only use Nitrocellulose lacquers for finishing and have the best selection of historic and custom colours you'll find. We can also match colours to your specifications.
All prices are in Canadian Dollars and ship to North America. This means if you're in The USA, your strong dollar will give you a discount and no tax. Timeline is estimated at a minimum of 20 weeks currently.
If you have any questions please reach out and ask via email.
Body Styles include the classics.They are all made to licensed vintage spec and fit Fender parts as well as licensed Fender parts respectively.
Please ask for our list of over 100 finishes to be sent to you for your order.
You must choose a colour (from list) and ageing package we offer for your finish in the notes at checkout.
Any of the colours can be faded or aged to your liking.
We can match pretty much any colour to any high quality pictures or a sample you provide at and additional fee of 99$. From there your body will be finished in your custom colour you approve.
Colour over Sunburst is an extra 75$.
If you choose these options we conveniently send you the additional charge via email invoice for approval.
Our Packages
We've updated our packages to make it easier on our customers looking for specific finishes while not confusing them with others and separating yellowed lacquer top coat ageing.
GL Lush - Very light ageing. Little to no lacquer checking, minimal dings dents and play wear. Replicating a guitar that was played and very well cared for.
*GL Lush Plus- This finish is the same as the original package but with added lacquer yellowing
GL Lite - Light ageing. Lacquer checking with light chips, dings and wear. Lacquer lightly sunken into the grain. Replicating a guitar that was played but mostly aged in its case for 70 years.
*GL Lite Plus - This finish is the same as the original package but with added lacquer yellowing.
GL Journeymen - Medium ageing. Moderate/medium dings and chips, lacquer sunken into grain patterns, lacquer checking and playwear.
*GL Journeymen Plus - Same as original package but with added lacquer yellowing.
GL Aged - Aged (including arm wear) chips, dings and playwear, lacquer sunken into grain pattern, lacquer checking.
*GL Aged Plus - This finish is the same as the original with a heavier yellowed appearance.
Flashcoat Finish
Very thin lacquer topcoat with a broken in feel that isn't super highgloss.
True Historic Finish
This finish is also very thin and is done through wetsanding between coats, it has a final cut and polish. The finish will have broken in feel that has slightly less gloss than a flashcoat.